
Works, Experiments – whatever I've done, working on or thinking about.


Expense manager application written in VueJS and powered by Google Firebase built with focus on data sync in parallel usage. Using VueJS makes the application re-render lightening fast. Learnt about Vuex state management and routing in VueJS.


A community blog application for android OS powered by firebase. Implemented firebase for authentication and storage. Work in progress :)


Youtube mockoff with functionality to search and watch videos , built using react and youtube api. Helped in understanding how react components works.


Content Management System with all CRUD Operations built using PHP & MySQL. Taught myself authentication and took security measures such as guarding against cookie vulnerablities and session hijacking.

Tic Tac Toe

An unbeateable version of the classic game powered by probablistic algorithm and built using VueJS. You can see it on live action here

Inspirational Design Quotes

A ReactJS application that shows random inspiring quotes for the designer in you. Learnt about asynchronous programming using Axios and also how to interact with APIs. See it in action here

Pomodoro Clock

A completely customizable productivity hack application built using VueJS and TimeJS as a part of FCC certification challenge.